#BOOKTOUR #REVIEW – Midas by Alan Meredith – @ZooloosBT #AlanMeredith #ZooloosBookTours #Midas

Today I’m on the book tour for Midas by Alan Meredith, thank you to Zoé at Zooloos Book Tours for organising it and inviting me to take part and thank you to the author and the publisher for my copy.

Pages: 115

Synopsis: Hearing voices when no one is talking to you is a bad sign right? When twelve year old Tyler follows the calls of his name into the burnt out house on the roundabout, and finds a golden lizard called Midas, his luck appears to have changed for the better. Right?

My Rating: 🐧🐧🐧🐧

My Thoughts: well for a middle grade book there were parts of this that made me feel uneasy and I’m a 31 year old woman so I can only imagine what a child would feel.

We’re following Tyler a 12 year old boy who lives with his mum. they don’t have a lot of money and all he wants is a lizard, so when his mum does the weekly shop he goes to the exotic pet shop and looks at all the lizards and other animals before meeting his mum on the bakery aisle looking at all the treats they can’t afford.

To make ends meet they dumpster dive & Tyler finds a glass cage perfect for a lizard, when his mum lets him take it home he feels like his luck has turned.. then he finds Midas a gold lizard who makes himself invisible any time anyone else appears.

There’s a well known saying if something seems too good to be true it normally is and Tyler will soo learn just how right that is..

This was brilliant. A powerful, impactful story with a very important message. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it to the younger generation particularly those just starting secondary school


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