BOOKTOUR REVIEW – Janet Jackson Superhost by Becky Papworth.

Today I am on the tour for Janet Jackson Superhost by Becky Papworth, thank you to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for organising it and inviting me to take part and thank you to the author and the publisher for my copy.

Pages: 249

Synopsis: Lavender Cottage, Yorkshire’s finest B&B, is owner Janet Jackson’s pride and joy. Now, after a year of running it and coming out alive, she’s set her heart on becoming a Superhost. For that Janet will need a blooming great tsunami of 5-star reviews- despite the many obstacles that stand in her way.

Number one, of course is the guests themselves. their strange requests, habits and lasting damage to her garden, the cottage and her sanity are a non-stop challenge.

Add in the piles of laundry, sleepless nights and scary spreadsheets, sneaky neighbours, and sex with no strings…and her goal seems far away.

Yet despite an endless run of dramas, and thanks to her passion for hospitality and home baking, Janet may find she is just a lemon drizzle cake or two away from a 5- star life.

My Thoughts: this one was a lot of fun, full of laugh out loud moments that had me putting my head in my hands! Whilst shouting at other characters because they were just nasty and horrible.

Poor Janet means well, she lets in the waifs and strays even though it’s clear they they’re taking advantage of her she just sees the best in people, which means that unfortunately she gets hurt a lot along the way.. which made me want to wrap her up in a big cuddle.

She has one dream, to become Superhost which means her little B&B and lavender cottage has to get purely 5 star reviews for all their stays.. and you already know that that won’t happen! But Janet is such a likeable character that you can’t help but get completely wrapped up in her life.

I didn’t read the first book as I obviously didn’t do enough research, I didn’t realise it was a sequel, however this one read really well as a stand alone.

A complete page turner that I found impossible to put down because I just needed to know if she got her happy ever after, or at least her award!

Lavender cottage seemed like the perfect little getaway and I can’t help but with it was a real place I could escape to.


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